Software Radio

    Software Radio


    The PZSDR-P101 is one of the products in the series of software radios developed by PuZi. Compared to the PZSDR-P201|P203 device, the PZSDR-P101 offers a four-fold increase in signal processing power, mainly due to the increased FPGA resources it provides.


    The PZSDR-P101 has some notable features. First, it has the capability to output IQ data streams at high speeds, which is achieved through its built-in clock synchronization function. In addition, it has been improved in terms of design and functionality, with the addition of integration and fault recovery features, as well as remote management capabilities.


    Second, the transceiver used in the PZSDR-P101 is a 2x2 MIMO AD9361 transceiver from ADI. This transceiver has a frequency coverage of 70 MHz to 6 GHz and can provide an instantaneous bandwidth of up to 56 MHz. This means that it is capable of high-precision, high-speed data acquisition and processing over a wide frequency range.


    In addition, the PZSDR-P101 uses Xilinx Zynq mid to high end chips (Zynq7035|7045|7100 triple compatible). These Xilinx Zynq chips can be used to implement real-time, low-latency processing, while the CPU can be used to run a variety of applications. This combination makes the PZSDR-P101 ideally suited for a variety of embedded radio applications that require high performance and flexibility.


    Finally, the PZSDR-P101 is also highly programmable and customizable. This is due to its pre-installed embedded Linux operating system and high-speed interfaces (e.g., Gigabit Ethernet, PCIE, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, and Aurora, to name a few). These interfaces allow users to deploy their applications directly to the device or to transmit the sampled IQ data stream to the host computer for processing.


    Overall, the PZSDR-P101 is a powerful, highly flexible and easy-to-use embedded radio for a wide range of application scenarios requiring high performance and large-scale signal processing capabilities.